Friday, November 9, 2012

The Write-Up Begins

Just a short update now that I'm back in the U.S.

Fieldwork is over! Bittersweet, to be sure. I'm very much enjoying being home with Mike and all the creature comforts of living in the U.S. It is strange to think that I don't have to plan my life and work around leaving again in a few months. I will definitely miss Ol Pejeta and all the people and adventures there, but time to finish this up and think about the next adventure!

Writing has begun, after five weeks or so of data entry (more of that to be done, still, but I've given myself enough to start with). The goal is to finish in May or June and hopefully start a job thereafter. As I write I plan to submit papers to journals. I'll update the blog with any accepted/published papers, as usual.

Job applications have also begun. I'm trying to cast a wide net in terms of geographical location (preferably within the U.S. and Canada) and institution type (zoo, university, NGO, etc) to give myself the best chance of actually getting a job. I'm hoping to continue research on mammalian behavioral ecology and/or parental behavior, but I'm taking a good long look at anything that sounds interesting. I'm very open to teaching and educational positions as well. Luckily I am blessed with a fiancee who is willing and able to work from practically anywhere, which really opens up the possibilities. Updates on this as I find success.

For those in Princeton, I am planning to present a poster at the upcoming Princeton Research Symposium (Nov 17 on campus; Hope to see you there!